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When I was young, my parents would take me to the park to play. I would always hotkeel.com bring my happy tug toy with me and would spend hours playing with my friends. As I iperfectgirls.com got older, the park got too far away and I would miss playing with my happy tug 80sbus.com toy. One day, I was out shopping and I saw a toy store that I had never eroscute.com been to before. I went in and saw the happy tug toy. I couldn't believe it! I gfstoyou.com had never seen it before but it was just like the one I used to play with bigtitskit.com at the park. I bought it and took it home. I put it in my toy box loveteenspussy.com and I always take it out to play with when I'm feeling down. It's like my old bulbfuns.com friend is always there to make me happy.